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Awakened Cancer Deathtoll's training guide

Article Publish : 04/02/2023 21:00
Edited by kiki@ssa at 03/31/2023 17:42

Hi, everyone. Today, we've brought to you Awakened Cancer Deathtoll's training guide, which will introduce and analyze his skill set, lineup allocation, and Galactic Duel battle strategies. Hopefully this will help you fully grasp the mechanics of Cancer Deathtoll!


Cancer Deathtoll is a practical fighter who can disrupt the enemies with control effects. His control mechanics even come with Speed reduction effect at no cost. Coupled with a high-Speed Cosmo, he can impede the enemies by asking them questions and trapping them, hence seizing the upper hand.

Skill Configuration:

Cancer All-around Punches, Shabadabadaa, The Coffin of Silence, Peach Form - Awakening


▶ <1122>: Low; he is able to ask questions. The target will trigger different effects (Silence or being trapped in the coffin) depending on their answers. Due to its low success rate and poor performance, beginners may start with this setup.


▶ <1552>: Medium; the chance of trapping the target after they answer the question is maxed. If the enemy chooses to remain silent, Deathtoll will immediately cast Shabadabadaa, along with Lesser Wind that carries high Speed reduction effect and subsequently disrupts the enemies. This is the most recommended setup.


▶ <1555>: High; on top of his ability to control and disrupt the enemies, Peach Form's passive mechanics provide great P.DEF and C.DEF buffs, boosting his survivability on the battlefield.


▶ <5555>: Max; if players have an abundance of Skill Tomes in hand, they may max his basic attack skill. (When dealing damage to the enemies with basic attacks, Deathtoll will add one more stack of Lesser Wind on the targets who are struck by Lesser Wind.) 


Recommended Cosmos

Flower Ring + Butterfly Jade + New Moon + Blood Elf (Decelerator)

This Cosmo set for Cancer Deathtoll prioritizes Speed, allowing him to quickly ask questions and limit powerful enemy units. While disrupting the enemies, he can also restrict them more efficiently with Blood Elf's DEF reduction effect or Decelerator's Speed reduction effect.

▶ Sub-attribute Selection:

Solar: Flower Ring (Speed > HP Multiplier)

Lunar: Butterfly Jade (Speed > HP Multiplier)

Star: New Moon (HP Multiplier = DEF)

Legendary: Blood Elf, Decelerator (Speed > HP Multiplier)


Skill Analysis

Deathtoll's skills come in two forms: Normal Form and Peach Form. Let us begin with the former.


Cancer All-around Punches

When dealing damage to the enemies, Deathtoll will add one more stack of Lesser Wind on the targets who are struck by Lesser Wind.



Deathtoll summons a hurricane to deal damage to the target and add 6 stacks of Lesser Wind on them. The hurricane will spread to the units before and after the target according to speed, dealing damage and adding 5 stacks of Lesser Wind. Then the hurricane will continue its spread, dealing damage and adding 4 stacks of Lesser Wind to the remaining enemy units.

Lesser Wind: Each stack reduces Speed by 5%. The effect cannot be reversed but can be purified and stacked.


The Coffin of Silence

Deathtoll picks an enemy to ask them a question. When it is the target's turn to take action, they have 5 seconds to respond. If they choose to answer the question, they have a chance to be sucked into The Coffin of Silence. If they choose to remain silent, they will be inflicted with Silence for 1 round, and Deathtoll immediately casts Shabadabadaa on them at no cost.

After imprisoning the target in The Coffin of Silence, after each enemy unit takes action, Deathtoll will slam the coffin, dealing damage to the trapped enemy, who will be released after all of Deathtoll's allies take action 8 times.


Peach Form - Awakening

After taking action for the first time during each odd-numbered round, Deathtoll will cast Shabadabadaa or Peach Bomber once on the enemy unit with the highest Speed. Every stack of Lesser Wind on an enemy unit provides him with 0.5% C.DMG Res and P.DMG Res each.


▶ Peach Form

When Deathtoll is affected by control effects that make him unable to move (Freeze, Stun, Restrict, etc.), he will enter Peach Form. While in Peach Form, Deathtoll is immune to all control effects, but no longer deals damage to the Saint imprisoned in the coffin, and no one is required to answer Deathtoll's questions. Peach Form lasts for 3 rounds, increasing P.DEF, C.DEF, and P.ATK until its effect wears out.

Upon entering Peach Form, Deathtoll's basic attacks will turn into Peach Attack. His Skill 2 will then become Peach Bomber.


Recommended Lineups

1. Ophiuchus Odysseus, Surplice Gemini Saga, Cancer Deathtoll, Thanatos, Cancer Manigoldo, Divine Cloth Aquarius Camus

This is a lineup that focuses on disrupting the enemies and dealing damage. Divine Camus and Thanatos are both great supplementary damage dealers. Divine Camus can prevent the enemies with the highest and second-highest Speed from making extra moves, hence disrupting the enemy lineup. He can also deal damage by reflecting the damage taken in the first two rounds.

Ophiuchus does not have to be awakened. When he isn't, he can cast Treatment in the first round. After his awakening, he can cast Treatment and Shock in the first round. Surplice Saga summons a dimension to reduce damage dealt by the enemies as well as their DEF. Deathtoll controls key enemies. Manigoldo casts Praesepe Underworld Waves to finish them off.


2. Goddess Sasha, Gemini Kanon, Cancer Deathtoll, Surplice Aries Shion, Divine Cloth Taurus Aldebaran, Thanatos

This lineup excels at both attack and defense. Sasha conjures a dimension to boost Speed and the lineup's overall survivability. Kanon deals damage with Galaxy Explosion and keeps the enemies' HP low.

Deathtoll controls the key enemy units. Shion creates Shields for Deathtoll or Divine Taurus depending on the situation, to prevent the latter from dying because of absorbing too much damage. Divine Taurus strikes the primary damage dealer or support Saint in the enemy lineup.

Due to his high flexibility and great damage-dealing capacity, Thanatos deals powerful damage even as a supplementary damage dealer. With Deathtoll's control effects, the lineup is able to eliminate the enemies efficiently.


Once awakened, Cancer Deathtoll's survivability and control effects are significantly improved. Regardless of how he is utilized (for a beginner's PVE attempt or PVP battle), Deathtoll is a powerful Saint who can disrupt the enemies and provide support to his allies. This upgrade complements his question mechanics and refines his Speed reduction feature.


We hope that all players will benefit from this guide. That is all for Awakened Cancer Deathtoll's training guide. See you next time!
