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Linking your GTarcade Account!

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Article Publish : 12/14/2022 11:17
Edited by cocolee at 12/23/2022 12:50

Dear warrior,

If you want to bind your guest account, the following steps may help you.

*Guest accounts that have not been bound may encounter the problem of participating in GTarcade platform activities but not being able to claim rewards.

Step 1: Find the binding button on the login interface and click it.

Step 2: Choose to bind GTarcade account

Step 3: Enter the email address you want to bind, set a password, agree to Terms of use, and click Register

Step 4: When you receive a notification of successful registration, it means that your account has been upgraded from a guest account to a GTarcade binding account.

Please enjoy the exclusive benefits brought by the GTarcade platform~


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