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Support's Artifact - Best Attributes to use - Guide

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 09/22/2022 05:27
Edited by pyakia at 09/23/2022 03:01

Hi all Infinity Kingdom friends

I'm going to show you the best support's Artifact to use and what attributes you should snipe

Supports are used to Heal or buff, so we aren't going to put damage skills or try to make them deal damage

we are going to avoid most Damage attributes, also since supports are back line they are more common to be hit with basic attacks more often so we want them to dodge it

we have 2 attributes for dodge

1- Dodge Rate%

as we see here it's a decent Dodge Rate% artifact, andfor our Immortal support's attributes will be

2# Dodge Value

as we see here it's a decent Dodge value artifact, and for our Immortal support's attributes will be

"as a result we see here that the Dodge Value artifacts benefits way more better than the Dodge Rate%"

a little math if out immortal has 1000 Dodge points and the dodge rate is 50% that all equals to 1500 Dodge points

for the dodge value if it's only 700 extra points that will be 1700

and the Dodge Value will always be better on the Support Immortals

Finally we have 2 type of supports, and we should make sure to use the right skill in it's right place

1# Healing supports

such as Zenobia - Thedora

We should us Artifact's with Shining Light

2# Buffing supports

such as Cyrus - Dido

We should us Artifact's with Surge

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