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Supreme Throne With September Update

News & Anouncements
Article Publish : 08/25/2021 21:13

Welcome to the first IK information express train!🚅

The new event we’ve all been waiting for, Throne of the Supreme, will finally be ready in the new September update!🔥 After first opened, the event will open every 50 days, in which Lords from different servers can compete for the throne.🌏

Let’s see what the requirements are for participating!

Any Lord with Lord Level 11 or higher in servers that meet any one of the following conditions will be able to participate.
🔖〓 1. The server must have been open for 60 days or more.
🔖 〓 2. There must at least be 1,000 active Lords in the server, and there must be at least 100 Lords that have a total Power of 500,000 or more.

If your server is too new, will you choose to patiently wait for 60 days, or work together with your fellow Lords to increase your power ASAP?😌
