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Norheim 0076 has been opened!

News & Anouncements
Article Publish : 07/23/2021 22:18

We are pleased to announce that Norheim 0076 has been opened! Bring your friends here to conquer Norheim!

The server migration function has been completed and the migration item is available now in Alliance Shop and in Bundles. New players will automatically get a migration item for novice after downloading the latest version in play store.

You can read the request for server relocation (Open the map of Norheim on the world map first and then click the globe icon in the lower right corner) and transfer to other servers once you meet the conditions.

Those who have met will finally meet again. Thank you again for staying with us through this long journey.

As Infinity Kingdom has been launched globally, its new servers will be opened at a faster pace one after another. We will announce server news and a server timetable will be made out soon. Please stay tuned!
