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Gnome Mission: Is There Any Difference Between Each Server?

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 07/10/2022 01:51
Edited by ik_tea at 07/10/2022 03:31

Hey! What's Up!

Tea is here to bring up some tips and tricks about how to boost your point as high as possible during Gnome Event.

Let's check this out!


The Gnome event has been around since the beginning of Infinity Kingdom. It is part of the Gnome Expell event. However, a few time after the game's release, an event was released to compete in the Gnome event. This event is unquestionably simple, and anyone can easily meet the goal. The target in the task is the number of gnomes we must kill, which is determined by the event of each server.

The Difference

1. Gnomes Level

Each server has its own level of difficulty, the older the server the more the requirement to kill the gnome level will increase. Vice versa, the younger the server, the lower the level required. The image below is an example on the old server (first), and the newer server (second).

Older Server

Younger Server

2. Rewards

For the prize, it varies for each server. Some servers only get resource boxes on older servers that are deserted. However, some young servers or servers that are densely populated usually have a variety of rewards. The image below is an example.

Older Server

Younger Server

3. Overall Ranking

For the Overall Ranking, it has a very attractive prize, namely the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Acceleration of up to 70 hours.


The competition in this event really depends on the condition of each server. If you are on a crowded server, the competition will be tougher. See the image below.

How to Win Competition

The way to win the competition is generally divided into 2, namely how much AP you have and how strong your overall march.


After Few Minutes

If you see the Image above, the gap is morelikely 20K~ between my before and after in a short period of time, all you need to do is use your first march with raid button, and the rest of your march working manually by tapping the search button until you feel it is enough.


This gnome event depends on the level of competition on your server, the more active your server is, the more difficult it will be and the more AP and time you need to be the first! If we see, the reward is certainly very good. However, don't forget that you also need a lot of AP if you want to compete on an active server.

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