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Invasion of Kingdom 324

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/03/2022 07:40

You hear many stories of invasion where strong beat a weak ,where there is none to defend or protect the kingdom from invaders.

But this one is not like that ,this one is more about those who are strong getting fair matches ,or even better to say fair challenge!

This story starts after TXU decided to combine smart with useful.

Group of us wanted to invade some kingdom led by powerful General 43.

We decided to make a small ally where an invading group with fillers and alts for resource

would be fit in.

Many think  that some invasions are plain and simple ,but this one was a bit more serious and organized.We made sure to bring enough support accounts so we can be fed with resources as we could also open enough fake rallies for those who wanna 0 out their castles.

We formed a small hive not much far away from our opponents ,so we can work as unit ,also playing on card if our opponent chose to come to fight us ,we rather let them come near us then parking near their hive ,as there is less bubble castles around them to hide their troops once they got blockade with dragons.

But you dear reader are still wondering who is General 43

Which kingdom is getting invaded ? 

Well relax ,I wanted to make you a bit wondering dear reader ,but I will tell you now.

General 43 was one of the deadliest members of the TXU alliance.

He was our rally leader ,the guy who will do all the hard job ,while the rest will do their help.

He decided that our destination will be Kingdom 324 ,the home of TheBorgCollective or as they are better known BC!.

They were in the same Alliance Conquest league as TXU ,so the goal was beside the invasion to also bother them in their AC season and maybe make them lose some matches.

Our goal as well was not primary the small one ,but we rather wanted to create some terror on their big one’s.

General 43 was a wild beast ,a beast with sharp claws like a knife and teeth like razor blades.

This beast needed to feed on someone flesh ,the beast was in need for terror.

And that was exactly what this beast got.

NellaFantasi was without her bubble and now the huge whale of over 2 billion of power was standing proudly.

In the belief that her power will save her or make her avoid it ,but oh she was so wrong.

It didn’t take a long and blue beast ,the blue dragon flew over the sky doing his job.

In a moment the strong castle got blockaded and rallied.

First rally went and the bleed lineup in hands of General43 faced some mixed undefined formation of NellaFantasi which cost her even more.

First hit would make many get their blood completely frozen ,or their blood would boil inside their veins making a fear and shock.

First carnage was followed by the second.

The losses on her side were devastating.

She clearly realized it was enough and her next move was obvious ,as she immediately put a bubble over her castle.

General 43 was still in need of a proper champion to challenge him.

It looked like finally one arrived worthy of challenge.

The great whale diver decided it's time to meet his power.

Whatever was his tactic and stays unknown until now ,he activated fervor making him a legit target.

Without hesitation blue dragon flew his way and throw his spell upon his castle.

The great and powerful diver was now destined to sit in one place and wait for his faith to be concluded.

General 43 prepared his weakness-setup and together with his brave company rallied the diver.

First hit was not that bad ,once you go to hunt a whale ,you don’t expect to get it easy ,especially in the first few hits.

But of course ,you planning to keep working on it ,so do we ,so does General 43.

But diver was not an easy target to beat ,especially with him being bow only and having a lot of meat shield to protect his troops.

Second hit was wonderful and his tier 1 meat shield was getting smaller.

The bloodbath that General 43 made for the diver was spot on ,he could have a proper bath in the blood of dead troops.

Third rally was on the way and just as the diver was about to get proper smash a sad message came our way.

He bubbled which sadly ended our wonderful hope of an exhausting fight.

Sadly we didn’t get much response back from them anymore besides some nasty messages which won’t be shared ,but for punishment we took their King’s Landing.

Sadly again they didn’t try to fight back.

However we manage to make them lose one match after we debuff them in a game vs UTB.

In the end, the invasion was worth its try!

Until next time ,with regards!

Your ,TheDoomHound.
