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New Immortal Trial Event

News & Anouncements
Article Publish : 06/28/2022 12:23
Edited by press officer official at 07/12/2022 11:04

A brand new Holy element Immortal is coming! Lucasta's here to share some clues with you all.

He's a great Khan of Mongolia, as well as the founder of the Yuan Dynasty. Can you guess who he is?ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ

On June 29th, we'll launch a new Immortal trial event in the Pioneer Server, with a full Holy element formation and resources, so you can try out the new Immortal!

Tap the link below to join the Pioneer Server and be part of this new experience! Feel free to discuss your experience with other players here or in our main discord.

After the trial, you can earn even more rewards by sharing your experiences and strategies with the new Immortal.

Pioneer Server download link:

Gameplay trial experience submission link:
