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Guess Who's Next?

Article Publish : 07/11/2021 21:00
Edited by cocolee at 07/09/2021 14:58

Dear Saint,

A new Saint is coming next week!

Here are some clues to help you figure out who it is. If this post reaches 2,000 shares, all players will receive [Limited-time Astral Gem x2, Stamina x60, Dual-Attribute Cosmo Box x3]!

Use the clues provided in the image below to guess the identity of the new Saint!

【Event Rules】

1. Share this post and leave your game information (server, account ID) when sharing.

【Event Rewards】

1. When this post reaches 2,000 shares, all players will receive [Limited-time Astral Gem x2, Stamina x60, Dual-Attribute Cosmo Box x3] as a reward.

【Event Time】

The event will last from July 11 to July 12. The answer will be revealed on Monday, July 12. Follow the clues to figure out who the new Saint is!

You can leave your answer in the comments, or share this post with your friends and solve it together!
