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These are the changes we get?

Article Publish : 06/02/2021 07:57

After seven years, I shouldn't be surprised by the decisions the developers make. But for all of the quality-of-life changes that people have requested over time, why are we getting this?

Whose idea was it to stack Khaos Atlas items like this? It's now practically impossible to exercise fine control over the number of items that a player selects for XP consumption. Now we either have to choose one from each stack at a time, or all of the items of some type or star level.

This is something that was done since May CS Tycoon (I know that it wasn't like this when I spent Khaos Cores on that day of Consuming, Regaining) so it hasn't been long. Is it reversible? Can an option be added to restore the old way of displaying the items?

I really can't believe that this is what they think players want.
