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Alliance perks/talents system

Article Publish : 04/27/2021 04:43
Edited by eropka at 04/27/2021 04:49

Add some kind of alliance perk system.


For example (may look like an Allaince Mobilization update):

Alliance members complete in-allaince tasks. For each task alliance gets "alliance talent points". Alliance management unlocks different in-alliance perks that become available for every alliance member.


May separate talents into 3 groups: Battling, Gathering, Exclusive.


Battling talents accuired fights, something like "Alliance gets 50m merit = 1 battling talent point", "Allaince rally kills more than 2m troops in a rally on a player = 1 battling talent point" and etc..


Gathering talents accuired in gathering, something like "Alliacne gathers 1b grain = 1 gathering talent point" and etc.


Exclusive battle talents might be unlocked by in-allaince blue diamonds donation, something like "Alliance members donate 1m blue diamonds = 1 exclusive talent point". Donated diamonds are not refundable and reusable - basically just spent for those exclusive talent points.


So alliance perks could be separated for same 3 groups (like battling talents require battling talent points, gathering talents require gathering talents points, excluse talents require exclusive talents points). And for perks themselves - battling as usual battling stats, gathering ones for additional gathering/rebel leader/building+researching bonuses, exclusive ones - whatever can be called exclusive (maybe some daily alliance exclusive gift that has some fixed rewards spawned daily/weekly/monthly depending on which exclusive perks were unlocked, or allaince diamond mine that generates blue diamonds for each member, maybe even black diamonds at some low speeds [HELLO F2P competitiveness]).


Pretty sure that could be some good alternative to Alliance Mobilization, or just as in-game content update that force people to play a bit more active for alliance good. And tasks can vary and be different from the ones in post, all about imagination of our lovely developers.
