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Rules and Guidelines of LOAHF Forums

Rules and Guidelines of LOAHF Forums

General Forum
Article Publish : 02/05/2021 01:07
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Handler: mod_chimera

Welcome to the League of Angels - Heaven's Fury Forums!

If this is your first visit, you'll want to start by getting familiar with the forum rules and our subcategories.

Subcategories of this Forum

Official Announcements and Patch-Notes

This category is not for players to post in. Developers (Devs) will post in this category any announcements or patch-notes pertaining to the game. Only the Devs can create threads in here.

Event Announcements

This is for Moderators, or Devs, to post Events - their general structure and requirements. Events can mean, but are not limited to: Resource Tycoon, Lucky Tree, Treasure Hunt, etc.

Community Events

This is where Moderators or Devs will hold events in which players interact with the community, have fun and have a chance to win rewards.

Discussions and Current Topics

This is the feedback section. Devs will create pinned sections for events and players can leave their feedback about the event.

Technical Support

This is where players can report their technical problems, such as bugs about the game, not getting rewards from events or payment issues. Please check the stickied post in this section on how to provide a report for us.

General Forum

Players may discuss anything about the game here, as long as the rules are followed (which are outlined below).


This is where you will find many of the guides created by Moderators to help you along in this game. Check this area if you have questions about a requirement or what a system does, as your question may be answered here.


Players can create threads in here about what they would like to see implemented in the game. Moderators will pass this onto the developers. We like hearing your suggestions, so bring them on!

Rules and Guidelines

1.      Avoid cross-posting in multiple categories. Check to see where your post would best fit based on the above and post it there.

2.      Use a proper title for your post which makes it clear what the issue is. Avoid writing your titles in all capital letters – this is considered screaming on the internet and is hard to read.

3.      Look through old threads first before posting your question or issue – it may have already been answered.

4.      Be polite when responding to players’ questions or issues, or responding to a moderator or developer.

5.      Avoid spamming – this means posting the same post multiple times in the same or different category. Repeated posts will be deleted.

6.      You agree to only upload, distribute, transmit, publish or post photos that are related to the game and are not indecent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, harassing, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or objectionable.

7.      You agree to not express hatred, bigotry, or racism. You agree to be respectful of all players, and not invade another’s right of privacy or publicity and do nothing that violates any laws.

8.      You agree to not advertise. This applies to direct messaging other players, moderators or developers. This includes things such as: No self-promoting of your YouTube/Twitch channels, not asking Devs, Mods or other players to collaborate with you, not advertising other games, and lastly, but not limited to, advertising of selling or buying accounts.

9.      You agree to keep content in respective categories.

In our discretion, we may issue you a warning, delete content or elect to suspend your access to the forums. Disobeying a Moderator’s commands constitutes a violation to these rules and may result in penalties, depending on the severity of the violation.

If someone is breaking a rule, or you believe should be considered breaking a rule, please contact a Moderator. All Moderator decisions are final.

LOAHF MOD - Chimera


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