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Hidden Mission Feature

Article Publish : 01/19/2021 17:05

Generally this game is good enough. But, there is some time that makes me getting bored when everything is done (quest and event time). Maybe you can add some hidden mission that has no time limit. The players need to discover it from the chat with certain NPC. Rewards can be a title, skins, or anything else. It doesn't have to give significant boost to the Battle Rating, it's just need to be unique and cool to add more color to the gaming experience. The purpose is to avoid the games getting dull. This will make people spend longer time to play rather than discard the old account and create in the new server or even quit the game which makes old server lacks the number of players.

Vow system is meant to avoid this boring thing too, I really appreciate it. Hope you can add this kind of feature in the future and makes the game keeps getting better. I'm sure you have more experience than me. Thank you.
