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Annoying incidents that occurs on this Game

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Article Publish : 11/30/2021 08:00
Edited by vairous at 12/01/2021 16:10

Before you start reading; I only posted/created this to share what I've experienced while playing the game. So if you happened to find this post irrelevant to your understanding -you have the rights to say whatever you like as what I'm doing. If you have against my post I don't mind about your replies and I'll keep or try this post updated as much as I'm still playing this.


  1. Happen to encounter someone who's BR is 100 times higher than yours.
  2. Happen to be beaten/overpowered by someone who's BR is 50 times lower than yours.


  1. Continues using of skills even if the target/s on the opposite/different directions.
  2. Using skills even if the targets too far away or not on range.
  3. Skills being used even if blocked by certain terrains/walls.


  1. Animation taking too long even if the attack only hit once(a waste of time especially in time base stages).
  2. Light and Dark both used and cooldowned but only 1 just seen on screen casted.
  3. Certain Angel with fix/focused camera Angles.
  4. Certain situations Angels Attacks dealt no damage on targets.
  5. Angels supposed to hit everything around its range(Area of Effect/AoEs) but sometimes it does not.


  1. Adding new servers for new players to start anew but able to encounter players from OLD servers.
  2. Most event's does not have BR/Level Restrictions or Gap/Cap Requirements.


  1. Most Items when you check where to find(loots), it just LITERALLY says like "THERE(Find it yourself)"


  1. Make sure you have a stable Internet Connection or you might regret when you encounter such incidents.
  2. Once you return in-game after taking a break, first thing first is to check and claim you're "Offline Experienced".

Note: I'll add/Edit this post once I found something that I haven't discover or new that I find annoying.

(Added: Events, Items Descriptions, Connectivity)
