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Is the water element good?

Article Publish : 02/03/2025 20:08

For those of you who are F2P or who top up thinly. I do not recommend you to focus on the water element.

Why? Because this water element is the weakest among the other elements, even though it counters the fire element.

Of course, every thing has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of this water element is that it is easy to perfect the team at the beginning of the game, but The downside is that you will lose in the late game. You must know how long it takes to upgrade a dragon to level 25? This is just my opinion about water element not being worth it for late game.

Of course it's up to you to use the elements, if you ask what elements are good, I only suggest lightning or earth elements if you can, from the 5 basic elements.
