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[Review] Infernal Assault for Dummies: A Skill Build Guide in Infinity Kingdom

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 02/03/2025 04:25


What’s up, folks? Welcome to my beginner series where I’ll be taking a closer look at specific events that may be difficult for early-stage players. In this article, I’m going to explore Infernal Assault, one of the best early-game events for gold, and take a look at some skill builds that use skills everyone has access to that will make certain levels less painful and easier to manage.

💠Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Level 1-34
  • Level 35
  • Level 45
  • Summary


Infernal Assault is a monthly event where players can search for Crusader Camps and destroy its sub-facilities as well as a core furnace. It is the easiest way and best way to spend AP in exchange for gold in the early game as every sub-facility destroyed will give you gold depending on which level you do. Gold is sparse and necessary in the early and mid-game because leveling dragons consume a ton of gold. Dwellings and other means just do not provide enough. Additionally, destroying core furnaces will also grant 5-minute Dragon Speedups as well as Random Epic Immortal Shards, both of which are extremely valuable for leveling up dragons as well as immortals and obtaining purple stones to level up skills.

💠Level 1-34

The early levels have fewer sub-facilities. Levels 1 through 10 have 2 sub-facilities, levels 11 through 20 have 4, and levels 21 through 30 have 7. The first 3 or 4 levels after each 10 are the most difficult as the camps have fire dragons that will hurt your troops. You might start having a harder time starting from 21 to 24 and 31 to 34. You can power through those with the same builds are the one for level 35. Having multiple players on the team will alleviate the amount of AP you use, minimize the number of troops you lose, and give you battle buffs. You will get defense buffs, damage buffs, an HP buff, and a critical rate buff. Additionally, swapping to Military Lord Talents and using item buffs will also be beneficial. If you are low on AP, consider swapping your Lord Talents to take the Effortless talent in the Development tree and the Pack Light talent in the Military tree. That would reduce your AP cost per hit by 4 or 5 which adds up over time.

💠Level 35

Level 35 has 8 sub-facilities. Each one will give 187,500 gold. The core furnace will give 7 5-minute Dragon Speedups, 25 1,000 Superior Experience Scrolls, and 360,000 gold. That comes out to be over 1.8 million gold per camp. To clear the sub-facilities with the lowest amounts of deaths, the goal will be to defeat the enemies as quickly as possible while providing some defense against the enemy’s skills. This build will also work at level 39 but getting there might cost more troops than you would want.

For the sub-facilities, you will use a team comprised of Charles, Alexander, Zenobia, and any high-level mage. If you do not have Merlin, Empress Wu or Hammurabi will also suffice. For the core furnace, any bossing march will work. You do not need any premium skills or any Exclusive Artifacts to make this work, but Alexander’s would be a great addition. The goal is to lose fewer than 100 deaths per sub-facility as you will be hitting a lot of them.

💠Level 45

Level 45 also has 8 sub-facilities, but they each give 312,500 gold. The core furnace rewards 9 5-minute Dragon Speedups, 33 Superior Experience Scrolls, and 600,000 gold. That totals 3.1 million gold per camp. For the sub-facilities, the core concept is still the same. You would want to deal as much damage as possible to wipe the enemies, but you will also focus slightly more on defense and dodging the enemies’ attacks because they hit harder than the previous levels.

Similar to the level 35 build, for level 45, you will use a team comprised of Charles, Alexander, Zenobia, and any high-level mage. If you do not have Merlin, Empress Wu or Hammurabi will also suffice. For the core furnace, any bossing march will work, but you may lose more troops than necessary if you do not have better skills or Exclusive Artifacts. Notice how I did not even have an Alexander artifact equipped. The goal is to lose fewer than 200 deaths per sub-facility as you will be hitting a lot of them.


Infernal Assault is a 3-day monthly event where players can earn a ton of god by spending their AP and troops. The crux of builds for the event revolves around Charles and the marches dealing the most damage while suffering the least number of troop losses. The event is solo-able, but it is significantly easier and quicker if you party with others. The benefits are three-fold. You get gold and speedups from destroying camps, you get rewards for clearing a certain number of camps, and you get alliance ranking rewards after the event ends.

What other guides would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!


Version 2.7.7

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