GTarcade App
More benefits, more surprises
ok where to start sigh...... every time you ask people to spend money on your product it seems to be a chore to get things right besides the game being wonky now you have again messed up HERO'S. The Lich King you have so messed up that it cant tie its own shoes.. instead of doing what the description says NOW it does nothing except hinder your own party; Thanks for that dev's, the supremacy works but nothing and i mean nothing else ... it doesn't de-buff any of the enemy it does'nt do any of the skills should FIRE the person who works for you and get someone who can attempt to get it right.. I have bought enough garbage in the last month to start a land fill from you and yet you still expect us to spend but refuse or cant even get a SINGLE HERO to work right .
bought the ammy, the starstones the hero... and you cant even get it right... FIX YOUR SHIT!