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Gardening blues

Article Publish : 09/07/2024 06:54

I'm not here to complain about receiving free things. To be quite frank, it generally comes off as violently clownish when people do it here in this forum.

With that said, I had some trepidation when I saw the items in Mid Year Review 24 C - namely, the two thousand Soulstone and Bless Stone seeds. If I could, I'd claim the Nectar and Jackpot Lotto Vouchers and say "No thanks" to the seeds.

Again, it's not so much that I have a problem with the quality of items that are a gift. We should all find ways to use any item that doesn't cost a thing to claim. However:

  • Gardening isn't the best-coded process in the game. The interface arranges seeds in a priority order that puts Soulstone and Bless Stone seeds ahead of, say, Clifford Tree seeds. When Little Helper manages the garden, it plants them first, and there's no apparent way to tell it to plant seeds in a different order. (I would love for someone to tell me differently, because even after ten years there could be things I'm still doing "wrong.")
  • As stated above, this wouldn't be so bad if I could change the priority of planting. But it also wouldn't be so bad if Little Helper were more reliable in auto-planting seeds all day. There are times where I suspect that it's doing that even though it frequently reports a "Network Anomaly" that causes it to shut down Little Helper's gardening functions. Sometimes I've noticed that it harvests and plants even when I think it's "turned off" but other times it clearly doesn't. Having to actively manage running through a large backlog of seeds just to get them out of the way seems to defeat the purpose of setting it and forgetting it.
  • All of that wouldn't be so bad if those two seed types could be sold. Gold seeds and Clifford Tree seeds can be sold, but Soulstone and Bless Stone seeds can't. So now, the seeds that I'd rather not plant not only get priority and can't be counted on to be auto-planted all day, I can't even get rid of them to get to the seeds I'd much rather plant.

At this point, I'm sure that the developers can't recode the Garden to change a lot of these things. But maybe they could add those seeds to the items that can be sold off?  
