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Article Publish : 07/27/2024 14:49

For those who have Kronos and Soul Reaper, beware. these hero's were gotten as hunters and as of just tonight (7-26) they both are now mages. why would we want to build new hero's that YOU advertise as one thing only to get something totally different. I have spent enough money time and effort to make my hero's what they are and because you can not do your job correctly. You change them without any reason. if this is a bug it needs to be addressed promptly and if it just someone being lazy and not doing their job... well maybe they should be looking for a new one. I am not here to bitch but I am demanding full (COMP) below are the SS showing they are changed and if you need more help understanding PATK has never been in a mage if thats a clue, also i will tell you what i tell everyone READ the hero and your mistakes will be seen and noticed in the first sentence.
