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Attempt at fixing Homestead recycle is bugged

Bugs and Support
Article Publish : 07/27/2024 11:23

For the past few months, the 3x3 items stopped being recyclable. I was surprised to see that the last update made an effort at fixing this, but it didn't work completely.

Two of the 3x3 items are actually selected for recycling by choosing 1x1 Decor, but after placing the items, hitting the Recycle button, and then clicking "OK" on the "Are you sure...?" dialog box, a database error occurs.

The third item is actually selectable by choosing 3x3 Decor, but after the remainder of the sequence, the same thing happens.

The number of Homestead Tokens probably shouldn't be different, but I imagine they connect to the erroneous designation of two of them as "1x1" items.
