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Tencent Developer Bugs/Player Mods - make this game unplayable! (2 - two)

Bug & Support
Article Publish : 06/20/2024 03:33

How is it possible for opponent saints to have 0% energy and not die? not because Sasha places her Misopetha-Menos (revival skill). Not because Odysseus places revival/Rebirth to one Saint in the game but because Tencent developers do not let zero life (HP) zombie saints die??? Even if the saints have the Sasha revival skill once their turn is over they die??? Not get revived again by Odysseus?? HOW IS ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE??? ISN'T IT ALL INCREDIBLY ABSURD?? Pandora Commander receives -8982 damage then -179,952 true damage, and stays in the game, then is revived because game stated REVIVED and stays in the entire game???

Pandora Commander never died. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. She was at most in the game for 2 rounds from the second round. First round Sasha opened her dimensional shift world. HOW CAN THIS OPPONENT PLAYER IN THE FIRST ROUND OPEN ARTEMIS' WORLD (1 Energy), Open Sasha's Dimensional World (1 Energy), Open Athena's garden world (creates 2 energy (4 energy in total)) and then use Pandora Commanders 4 energy create Bane (from Enemy Saint)??? WHERE DID THIS OPPOSING PLAYER RECEIVE THE ADDITIONAL 2 ENERGY FROM??? This opponent player has an UNLIMITED ENERGY BUG/EXPLOIT FROM PLAYER MODIFICATIONS. IN THE FIRST ROUND CREATES 8 ENERGY FROM ARTEMIS STARTING HER WORLD, ATHENA STARTING HER WORLD AND SASHA STARTING HER WORLD??? THEN PANDORA COMMANDER CREATES 2 MORE ENERGY AND PERSEPHONE CREATES 2 MORE ENERGY TO HAVE AN IMPOSSIBLE FIRST ROUND OF 12+4 ENERGY??? EVEN HAVING EVERYONE WITH ROC (+1 Energy at 50% probability) it is mathematically impossible to receive 16 (limitless) energy in the first round. Just to get 12 rocs in a row (continuous) you would need a one (1) in a 244,140,625,000,000,000,000 (1 x 10 to the 20th power) WHY DOES TENCENT YOOZOO AND GT ARCADE ALLOW ALL OF THIS BLATANT AND ABSURD CHEATING IN THIS GAME???

This is the opponent player's energy usage during the duel. Next is mine's.

That is not all, there is a triple energy opponent saint usage skill (player mod or bug). Instead of using 1 energy the game requires 6. Instead of using 2 energy or no energy the game requires 6 energy??? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?? Pandora Commander with her Bane Skill adds 1 energy penalty but HOW ARE OPPONENT PLAYERS ALLOWED 3X-6X ENERGY PENALTY TO OPPONENT PLAYER'S SAINTS??? WHY DOESN'T IT SHOW UP IN THE REPLAYS??? WHAT IS TENCENT DOING TO THE GAME THAT THE REPLAYS DO NOT REFLECT THE REALITY OF THE DUELS??? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE???

For Oddysseus to spend 30 energy he would need maybe 15 rounds??? For Thanatos to use 10 energy 5 rounds??? HOW CAN OPPOSING PLAYERS PENALIZE ENERGY COSTS 3-6 times the real cost for the Saint's skills??

