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Battle Chess

Article Publish : 05/21/2024 23:49

Hi everyone, i’m PO PandaMoratia. In today’s article we will talk about the Battle Chess.

Battle Chess works by season of 30 days and you can play it in a more casual way in practice mode when the season qualification isn’t going on. Ranking mode opens everyday from 14:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC and 22:00 UTC to 24:00 UTC.

Reward : 

At the end of each season you will get a reward based on your ranking.

You also get reward as you progress through different tiers during the season.

In addition to these seasonal rewards, you also can complete daily and weekly task (which can also be completed on entertaining battles and not ranking one).

Gameplay : 

The gameplay is a classic battle chess game mode, you create yourself a deck of 9 cards that can be spell or immortal. 

Then you queue yourself and when you face your opponent you generate energy overtime that allows you to use the card that you have from your deck to place them on the board or use their effect for a spell.

The first team to destroy the opponent’s pillar wins the battle. So you want as much as possible to create a positive balance on your side by min/maxing the use and return of your energy point.

Conclusion : 

While the game can be played competitively and try to rank up as high as possible. It is also possible to just run a few games here and there when you wait for a queue/event/reset as an example. I play it very casually and still get some good rewards like gems in the process without investing too much time and effort. The overall reward is not good enough to make it a mandatory content, this minigame is really an optional content to me that i enjoy playing a bit once in a while.

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Press Officer [S56]PandaMoratia

Additional informations

Infinity Kingdom / 無盡城戰

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