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Developer Coding/player mods do not match upcoming banner Saint???

Bug & Support
Article Publish : 05/01/2024 02:05

I do not understand why Tencent writes the Saint Skills if the developers do not write the code to match the written saint skills?? What is the point of not following the Saint Skills as they are written??? If they do not match, what is the point of making up different skills for the saints??? Are they surprise skills?? do the developers that code the game not know how to read?? Not know how to code correctly???

This new banner saint Grand Pope Sage has no Saint explanation yet?? Supposedly has 4 skills and none of them use energy??? In the particular match I played against him (was 4 saint in order/speed) but acted first??? (Shura DC should have reduced 10% of his speed??? Where in his saint skills does it say that he will act first?? IF HE IS 4th in LINE?? If Sage's 4th Skill at level 5 gives him +200 speed then why isn't this Saint first?? Why does he act/attack first if he is fourth in place and in speed?? I placed a silence on this Saint and the game told me that this saint has IMMUNITY??? WHERE IN HIS SKILLS DOES IT SAY THAT HE IS IMMUNE TO SILENCE or immune to control effects???? My Thanatos has +60% HP (health) and somehow, the game disappeared (killed) him because of something this Saint Sage did??? WHERE IN HIS ABILITIES DOES IT SAY THAT HE CAN KILL AN OPPONENT SAINT WITH AN ATTACK THAT REMOVES (without any apparent reason) 40,000+ health (HP)???

The Sage Saint today has no explanation about his characteristics, apparently does not spend any energy to use his skills and is placed 4th in the saint team even though gains 200 energy at level 5 because of his 4th skill. This saint has immunity to control effects (even though none of his skills or explanations state) that he is immune to control effects. If Sage acts/attacks/order 4th in this particular match, then why does he attack first, then it means that his speed was not reduced by 10% (according to Shura DC's 4th skill at level 5)??? If the reduction of speed was applied not applied to Sage, then why wasn't the reduction of speed applied to Odysseus then??? All of these problems, all of these bugs/bad coding/error coding or player mods, are never fixed, nor are the texts of the Saint Skills edited to reflect what the Saints actually do. So, with all these errors in coding and mystery (random) skills, random immunities and random coding, how are we as players and as your clients supposed to strategize or manage our Saints in your game??? (if you change the rules, change the coding, change the buffs/debuffs, speeds, etc.) to whatever comes out??
