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Why does GtArcade have a such a terrible customer service?

Article Publish : 04/29/2024 15:35
Edited by 007falco at 04/29/2024 16:48

I submitted a ticket (#8837879) on 3/23/2024, and it has been a month without getting a sensible solution. All I get is a generic response and an automatic closure of any of my tickets.

My original ticket has been closed and I can no longer reply in it, and whenever I try to submit another ticket I'm given the following generic message:

I'm referred back to the original ticket, but I have already tried many times to explain that I can no longer reply to that original ticket. Not only that, but I tried submitting other tickets that do not relate back to this ticket, but instead asks about what can I do in this situation. However, the same moderator keeps cancelling my tickets and gives me the same generic response:

What do I have to do to receive help? This is most ridiculous customer service that I have ever received in a game.
