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Shura Surplice is bugged. You also have an unlimited revival bug (Sasha/Odysseus)

Bug & Support
Article Publish : 02/17/2024 09:50

I need you to fix two more bugs that have relation to the Saints skills. In the same duel, my opponent was able to revive 7 times ( 5 times Dohko DC and 2 Shura Surplice). Odysseus can revive 1 saint with revival miracle and Sasha can revive 1 saint at a time (once per saint) and yet somehow you have coded this bug of unlimited revivals. After one turn, Sasha's revival Saint is supposed to die, not revive and keep on playing and reviving and playing and reviving indefinitely...

Shura surplice in his second skill does not allow a killed saint opponent from reviving for 2 rounds. But if he is dead???? WHY CAN'T ONE REVIVE AFTER SHURA SURPLICE HAS BEEN KILLED??? WHERE IS IT WRITTEN THAT A SKILL THAT LASTS 2 ROUNDS (LASTS FOREVER, BECAUSE YOUR DEVELOPERS/CODERS/PLAYER MODS) DO NOT ALLOW REVIVALS AT ALL FOR ME, BUT UNLIMITED REVIVALS FOR MY OPPONENT??? This does not make sense.

It would be a good April Fool's (April First) joke but, we aren't in April, and this is really not funny at all.
