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Article Publish : 10/18/2021 10:22

According to legend, one day the evil goddess Laufey appeared in the place of the goddesses, and with her came a blazing lightning bolt.

The Fountain of Ullr was disturbed by the lightning, and the branches of the World Tree were set on fire. After a long time, a girl named Laima used a trick to drive away Laufey who wanted to cause trouble again. She told the people that in order to scare away the evil goddess, they must be more frightening than the evil goddess herself.

Later, every year on the day that Laima drove away the evil goddess, people would hang scary skeletons, vicious birds and animals, or use huge Philyra pumpkins to carve a scary look, and light candles to drive away the ominous one. This is how Ghost Fiesta was born.
