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Hi everyone, i’m PO PandaMoratia. In today’s article we will talk about The Immortal Hippolyta.
Concept :
Hippolyta is a Fire Shieldman Attack Immortal, her mechanic is based on disabling opponents while dealing a fair amount of damage.
Her ultimate skill fires 5 (7 with her EA) shots and each shot deals damage and reduces the energy of the target by 100 and reduces its attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds stackable.
She thrives in every area of the game, but mostly against Single targets where she is an absolute Queen.
Exclusive Artifact :
I value it as high with an immediate 40% increase of her ultimate efficiency. It’s a moderately hard Artifact to acquire, you can have it in the Throne of Supreme shop and Stellar Compass Event.
I would recommend going for Physical Attack % Primary Attribute and Surge as a special one.
Skills :
Being very disruptive, the more ultimate skill she fires, the better and with one of the highest energy regen in the entire game she can really spam it. There are some skill that do particularly well on Hippolyta due to these aspects.
Corrosive Power : Increase both her damage and energy regen
Adrenaline Rush : Increase her energy regen
Energy Burst : Mostly for PvE where it is easy to get critical hit off, increase her energy regen
Full Coverage : Have a chance to Deal damage for each ultimate skill you cast.
Victorious Pursuit : Only good if she is paired with Matilda and can keep it at max stack.
Best friends :
She can go in almost every composition, she has a special high Synergy with Matilda that will increase by a lot how often she gets her ultimate skill off and her damage.
She also performs well with Himiko that can remove one target of the potential, increasing the chance that one immortal gets hit by a high amount of beams, highly disrupting his job.
Conclusion :
One of the best single target hard carry in the entire game and easy to Acquire and Build. His specific mechanic makes her the goddess of Time Rift Breaker and Gnome's bosses. A must have in my opinion.
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Press Officer [S56][EDEN]PandaMoratia
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