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Arena marches review from s56 of Infinity Kingdom

Article Publish : 10/11/2023 00:36

Arena marches review from s56 of Infinity Kingdom

Arena has alot of interesting prizes, with thousand of gems available at the end of every season if you manage to get high on the ranks.

But many people have been wondering what other players are using on the top 10 ranks?

Here’s my new serie on arena marches so we can discover together what’s out there, what’s trending and what could be the next top march setup.

On this first episode of the arena marches review serie, I will begin with my current home at server 56.

We have strong players with very interesting marches that could help you figure out what type of setup you want to use in the arena.

Hybrid earth

This is one of the best skills selection I’ve seen for the hybrid earth.

The results in arena and TOS are unbelievable so I will recommend to use these skills if you do use hybrid earth currently and if you have those premium skills unlocked.

If you don’t have those skills, maybe set your goal to get them in Triss event!

Full holy

Full holy has been gaining popularity back lately.

I’m pretty sure that the holy march has gained strength since the last update.

It’s an expensive march to build but it’s also a good one even for a third march since the immortals like gilgamesh are strong by default,

Theodora is an excellent healer to use.

Here battle stance skill is being used by Gilgamesh with some physical defense purple skill as well. I presume that anger isn’t available to use or it’s a popular choice usually.

The skills on this holy march has been well picked for a good synergy.

Possible new trend alert!!

Hybrid with Tutankamon,

This new spearmen is showing great results if you have spearmen technology at a high level.

The shadow element is the most common weakness and a high damage front row immortal can be very useful in specific situations.

Go for his artifact as well if possible!

Earth with Loki and Athena

These two immortals don’t need any introduction.

They are brutal and I’ve seen this setup withstand over 5 strong marches in a rally easily.

This setup perform very well in rally defense, TOS and arena.

Chaos is the best element in the current meta.

There’s also 7 premium skills used here so it’s not recommended for the low to medium spenders.

Wind with Loki

This is amazing. Hybrid with Loki looks fast and destructive. Counter healing, speed, healing and many other elements makes this march a strong opponent to face in arena.

I’m pretty sure we will see more of those in the near future.

Is the wind dragon making a come back?


This one is very particular and I love it.

The skill used, the immortal selection, the dragon…. I like everything about it. There’s nothing wrong with standing out!

We need those new marches coming out. Could this be a future trend?

Only time will tell….


That’s all for this week episode 1 of the arena marches review.

Server 56 has alot to offer and it was fun to see the creativity from those players.

Until next time!


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Server #56

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