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Who is an idiot on The Sanctuary Expedition??

Article Publish : 05/28/2023 09:53

I hope to enlighten some of the players about the Sanctuary Expedition. Above 10 million damage in each of the bosses dungeons is contradictory to everybody's best interests...

What I am saying is that when one reaches 10,000,001 damage you get the 120 coins but the more damage you do, the less chances that other players and yourself have to keep on repeating the dungeon for 10 million and 01 damage and another 120 coins. If we can all work together we can have an extra day at the Sanctuary Expedition

So I hope that the idiots that kill the bosses above 10 million damage stop shooting themselves in the feet and actually start playing this game smarter...we can all benefit from an extra day of farming this bug-filled Sanctuary Expedition adventure...
