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【Rewards Sent】Brain burning Game - Who is the criminal?

Article Publish : 04/10/2023 14:15
Edited by cocolee at 05/08/2023 12:03

💜Hello Gtarcade Community!

The first person who deduces the right code will get 2000 points.

10 players who deduce some of the clues will be rewarded with 500 points.

All players who vote to guess correctly will receive 200 points.

Let's burn our brains together!


On a winter night, Officer Charlie and Fulmerwood were on their way back to the police station when they suddenly spotted a robber attempting to rob them. They rushed to catch him, but he turned around and ran away, eventually fleeing into the subway station.

Fulmerwood and Charlie continued to chase him and followed him inside. At this point, there were only six people in the station, each with a similar build to the robber.

A was arguing with the administrator and making a scene.

B was standing by and watching with interest.

C was reading a newspaper, but their face was blocked, making it difficult to identify them.

D was standing in place, trying to keep warm and breathing heavily.

E was checking their watch anxiously while waiting for the subway.

F was sitting in a chair, shivering with cold while wearing a coat.

Charlie quickly observed the people and was able to locate the robber.
