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Missing Damage Example

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Article Publish : 03/25/2023 23:01
Edited by spa*** at 03/25/2023 23:02

A simple example of missing damage.................

Screen shot 1: Shows opponents Shadow Kitsune's HP just before my Astromancer attacks with regular skill is 113,695,656,429

Screen shot 2: Shows my Astromancer as she attacks with regular attack skill causing ONLY divine damage 19,138,560,155

Screen shot 3: Shows opponents Shadow Kitsune's HP after the attack in screen shot 2 and is 94,557,096,274

113,695,656,429 - 19,138,560,155 = 94,557,096,274, this proves it is not a visual glitch and regular skill damage is not being deducted from the opponents HP, also Astromancer's regular skill is ignore defense.

This issue is present in all battles and can affect several hero's on both sides.

The battle log from which the screen shots were taken.

Screen Shot 1

Screen shot 2:

Screen shot 3:
