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Jabber and Friends Attack Back!

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 03/18/2023 05:47

Hey yo peasants and trolls! I hope you have fantastic plans for the weekend and they come true. I hope you are safe and healthy. I hope some of you forget to bubble and I get to attack you and kill your troops. Today's story is about how Jabber and a few friends decided to go attack K195 KOR after the group had invaded and attacked XBC's K207. Jabber knows there is very limited options for him to cause real damage against KOR. This group has some incredibly strong accounts and some maxed accounts. Jabber hopes with a few other zero castles that maybe he can catch a few whales slipping and get in some rallies.

Jabber's first objective became obvious when a bank under the No9 banner was left unbubbled. After a scout the raid team discovered about 1.3 billion of each resource left without protection! Jabber decides the safest way to take these resources is to send alternate accounts to the location and begin to plunder all the goodies. Jabber fully expects his group to get repelled after solo attacks. Using alternates is the safest way.

Four players jump into position and begin to loot the target. The looting is a slow process when you use alternates with only a few amount of troops. The alternate Jabber used could only field two full armies at a time. The process of stealing these resources in the middle of the KOR hive seemed to take eternity. All the players were on edge waiting for the inevitable counter attack. About five minutes into it with only about 400 mil of each resource left Jabber tells the plunderers to recall and port away for now. They had stolen a bunch of resources and it wasn't worth sitting around any longer to get hit and resources taken back. The team regrouped and planned to move resources into a single bank account on server for future operations. Jengo had other ideas because he went back for himself and finished plundering the bank. He was having a blast and no one decided to stop him.

After raiding the bank Jabber's alternate was able to train some troops up with the freshly acquired resources. After training the troops Jabber decided it was time to start to hit the firey chrystal mines in order to exact some revenge! Jabber's alternate acted more as a scout account than an attacker because the KOR players were too strong for Jabber's alternate.

Jabber's alternate was able to beat down several players who had low number of T1 protecting their T4's. Once these T1's were killed the weak attacks of Jabber's alternate were not enough to kick the player off the mine but were strong enough to kill several thousand T4 troops each attack. After about ten such attacks the alternate had killed over a hundred thousand T4 troops in the mines while losing only T1 troops.

Jabber jumps in and finishes off the mine and kills over ten thousand T4 troops.

Jabber and his team realizes they are unable to cause any real damage to the invading alliance. But they do know they can be a nuisance.
