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Grail Conquest is the culprit

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Article Publish : 03/14/2023 04:24

Hi there,

I played grail Conquest today before I headed to Apex Clash League. At Apex Clash League I was unable to land 1 single attack on all 5 available opponents. I had encounter something similar before in the past (earlier Apex Clash Leagues) with 2 or 3 opponents, never before with all 5! Than I switched to my second account, at which I hadn't played Grail Conquest yet. I had no problems on that account with the same opponents I had issues with the first account! Which leads to the conclusion that the bug only occured on my first account at which I had played Grail before Apex. Besides that Grail also causes major lags in Chess Hero every few minutes (and you can set your clock accordingly). Now I can't improve my ranking, I'm missing Apex Tokens and are unable to complete the Apex Clash League quest.

Here's a video of the issue at Apex Clash League: >>click<<.

First account: s318 AngelCharmer

Second account: s318 HellsAngel

All in a nutshell: Grail Conquest is screwing up the game in multiple ways, and probably needs a thorough renovation.

Have a nice day.
