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Champion City Siege Scarlet Palace

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 01/30/2023 23:08

After Glorious Battle was over, it was on to Champion City Siege for HOH and Maximus to fight for Scarlet Palace. After the heavy troop reduction in Glorious Battle, Maximus and his troops could enter this battle without fear as they had no rallies to fear and if they did, all troops were safely hidden. HOH went into this battle without contesting Scarlet Palace, however some allies of the Av0 alliance arrived to join forces and have fun together.

The first enemy regiments Maximus spotted was from WoW, who also participated with some players in this CCS.

The smallest unit was NBe with a small selection of players but with a strong rally lead, BARBAROSsA.

Maximus spotted KAC as the last and clearly strongest alliance in this CCS. KAC was undoubtedly the favourite in this CCS match and would clearly prove it.

Even though Maximus was ordered only to defend and reinforce armies when they got attacked, he felt a heavy heart when his alliance decided to leave Scarlet Palace untouched. But he didn't had long to think about it as the first horn sounded. Grombold launched an attack on Helium Sloth from KAC. The armies met with a thunderous clashing of swords and in the end Grombold emerged as the clear winner.

The joy of Maximus and his allies was short-lived when the scouts reported that Blackbear had launched a counterattack. Maximus quickly gathered his troops and sent the reinforcements requested by Grombold to his castle. As the armies separated, the hospitals were called upon to heal the mass of wounded soldiers, a fierce battle that claimed many victims.

Now Ganicus, who had joined HOH from Av0 for this CCS, led the armies into battle against Melonpi 0v0. Maximus sent the requested troops to Ganicus, knowing that he was a powerful warlord to whom he could entrust his troops. It was the first attack on WoW, who were difficult for the scouts and alliances to assess for the time being. Numerous attack-rallies were already cancelled by WoW at this point, for no apparent reason, and the Maesters were confused as to whether they were possibly just diversionary manoeuvres. But Maximus was proved right when Ganicus's army and his troops returned victorious from Melonpi 0v0's castle.

Then something happened that no one thought possible, WoW in the person of Melonpi 0v0 started an attack rally on Xoica. This was quickly reinforced by Maximus. However, when Melonpi 0v0 started his rally, Lord Xoica realised that he had chosen the wrong frontline and ordered the reinforcing troops to swap reinforcements as quickly as possible. But it was too late. Maximus tried in vain to exchange the troops, but in despair he had to realise that this was no longer possible, and in a state of shock he could only watch as Xoica's frontline faced the enemy alone. But Xoica was an experienced warlord who could win the battle against the enemy even without the reinforcements helping his frontline of his allies.

Towards the end of the battle, all the troops had to gather their courage once more, as the battle horn sounded for the last time. Peacetown launched an attack on Ganicus. All the allies, including Maximus, sent the troops requested by the warlord Ganicus into battle for defence as quickly as possible. Peacetown was by far the strongest warrior on the battlefield, so the worried faces were justified. The battle ended with many casualties and although Ganicus and his allies defended very strongly, Peacetown claimed victory.

An exciting CCS was over and all troops left the battlefield. The maesters will need some time to write down what happened in the history-books.
