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#NewSaint #Seraphina #SaintMemoir

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Article Publish : 01/21/2023 21:00
Edited by cocolee at 01/17/2023 14:36

#NewSaint #Seraphina #SaintMemoir

🌊Seraphina was the daughter of Garcia, the leader of Bluegrad, as well as Unity's sister.

🌊Her physical appearance resembled that of her late mother, and she was Bluegrad's most precious jewel. To her people, she was a kind, pure-hearted girl with a smile as warm as the sun.

🌊Due to the forbiddingly cold climate, she caught a cold which later turned into a severe lung disease that took her life. After she died, her younger brother Unity kept her body as a vessel for Poseidon's resurrection.

🌊With Poseidon's power, Seraphina came back to life as his reincarnation, but Aquarius Gold Saint Degel gave his life to seal her away within the underwater temple of Atlantis.
