On The previous Guide we talked about general rules for Alliance Conquest and people are always excited for events that involve not losing troops! Now we will talk about the detailed rules of this event so your alliance can make a better plan when the war comes. This IMPORTANT article might take quite a few minutes to read. If you have any questions, please leave it in the comments below.
Event Period: 6 total matches 2 per week so 3 weeks in total.
Registration phase: 00:00 - 24:00 one day before the match day
Battle: Selected time slot(01:00,13:00,19:00 in game time) matches on Wednesday and Saturday
Match Schedule
A single match consists of three phases: Registration Day, Match Day and Match Break. Take a look at the schedule for a match so that you won’t miss out.
1. Registration Day:
- The Leader and Officials in your alliance can register at the start of the season for your alliance during the Registration Phase that lasts 1 day. They will be able to choose the Match time on the Match Day (the next day) so that more alliance members can join and contribute.
2. Match Day
- Match Day consists of Preparation Stage, Entrance Stage and Match Stage
- Preparation Stage: You will learn the name of your opponent alliance and can check its basic information during this stage.
- Entrance Stage: This stage starts 30 minutes prior to the match. Alliance members have to move to the battlefield map and be randomly assigned to either the Lannisters or the Targaryens. Once entered, you will NOT be able to leave the battlefield but Truce will be put on in your original city. If you quit the match to return to your city by force, you will NOT be able to rejoin anymore.
- Match Stage: A single match lasts for 1 hour, and the alliance with the most battle points wins.
- An alliance will get a bye when they don’t have an opponent and be considered winning the match and receive season points.
3. Match Break
- Match Break follows the end of a Match Day, during which you will be able to join or quit a qualified alliance or move to another server again.
- Final results will be calculated at the end of the season, and the current season ends.
League Info
When registering for the first match of the first Alliance Conquest, Alliances are divided into 3 leagues according to Alliance power.At the end of the season, the leagues will be adjusted according to the performance of each alliance. The bottom 16 teams of Super League will be demoted to A league for next season. Meanwhile the top 16 of the A league will be promoted to Super league. Again the bottom 16 teams of A league will be demoted to B league and the top 16 teams of B league will take their place into A league.
Individual Player League
Based on Lord’s results in the last season, the system will determine an Individual League Level for the Lord. When the Individual League level is higher than the Alliance League Level the Base attack,defense and health of the troops will be reduced by a specific amount(i.e an S league Player will lose 20% base stats if participates in A league Alliance and 40% base stats if participates in B league Alliance) to keep the leagues more balanced and fun for the players participating in them.
Match Rules
After all the preparation, all you need to do is to put your commanders, troops and dragons in position on the battlefield, and ready to face off!
1. Entering the battlefield
- Troops: Upon entering, you will have to choose up to 3,000,000 stationed troops with you to the battlefield.
- Buffs: All commanders and your dragons will accompany you to the battlefield and the buffs they bring will be locked upon entering. Any buffs gained after you enter the battlefield will not be counted.
- Truce: Truce will be automatically put on for your original city after you enter the battlefield. if you have a Truce on already, the countdown will be stopped during the battle and resume when the battle is over.
2. Building Location Defense
- After entering the battlefield and being assigned to one of the houses Lannisters or Targaryen, you will need to arrange the location of your castle in the initial spawning area.
- You can send up to 30 reinforcement regiments (including the occupier) to help defend a location. As the rally initiator, the player occupying the location can deploy commanders, while other players can only send in troops and dragons.
- The amount of defense troops is the maximum rally size of the Occupier so it's going to be different for every player.
- Only the occupier’s Lord Talents will take effect, and their commander bonuses are only activated when deployed in battle.
- Rally leader's current buffs from research, gear, talents and commanders will be kept in the building which is taken by the alliance. Even if the rally leader leaves it, the buffs will still be effective in this building as long as their alliance holds it. Each lord can only initiate ONE rally against buildings until the building occupied before is lost.
- A defeated reinforcement regiment will return to their owner’s city.
3. Protection phase
- The attacking troops will not immediately enter a location building after successfully capturing it. They will return first to their owner’s city. The location will be protected for a short period and the occupying side can send defense regiments to the building during this time.
- The Protection Phase will not be activated if the current occupier leaves a location so that another player can occupy it.
- The Protection Phase will not be activated when an enemy NPC (explained in the building session) captures a location. Instead, it will return to neutral status and be open for capture from both sides.
4. Marching Speed
- The Player's marching speed will be increased during the match. And they can initiate multiple rallies against a single target and also rally initiators can deploy a rally before the timer ends.
5 Capturing Enemy Main Camp
- The enemy base is not available for capturing but the enemy castles drop truce after 30 minutes have passed and can be attacked by players. During Alliance conquest you can't capture enemy Lords or steal resources.
- Location on the battlefield does not have any defense fortifications.
6. Combat Hospital
- Will only be available during a single match. You will NOT lose any troops during a match. All wounded troops will be sent to the Combat Hospital instead. The Combat Hospital has NO HEALING LIMITS, heals faster than normal hospitals and has no resource cost.
- You can use healing boosts both from your own and those bought by the Alliance Leader in the Battle Shop with Alliance Tokens. Those from the Battle Shop will be used first. Your own boosts will not be returned after the match ends once used.
- Your troops back on their original server are not affected by anything that happens in this mode.
7. Battle Shop & Alliance Token:
- The Battle Shop will only be available during a single match.
Alliance Officials can buy necessary items with Alliance Tokens for all alliance members to claim.
- The Alliance Tokens that can be used in a single match are LIMITED
- All items from the Battle Shop will be REMOVED after the match is over.
8. Cans and Cannots during the Alliance Conquest:
- Once registered successfully until the match is over, alliance members will NOT be able to relocate to another kingdom, and the leader will NOT be able to dismiss the alliance nor to pass the leadership to another person.
- On the Match Day, players CAN NO LONGER join or quit the qualified alliances until the end of the Match Stage. The alliance leader can no longer dismiss the alliance. Alliance members will NOT be able to relocate to another kingdom.
- You CAN enter their inner-city interface and perform related functions during a match.
- You cannot return to their server after entering the battlefield. You have to quit the match to return to their original server,and will be unable to rejoin the battle.
- Eliminating enemy troops or healing allied troops during the match DO NOT count for other events.
Points & Results
How you gain points will determine the final winner. Check out the ways you can obtain points and triumph over your enemies!
- Initial season points: At the beginning of each season, alliances will receive their initial season points based on their position on the Global Alliance Power Rankings. Higher ranking grants more initial season points.
- Battlepoints:
Occupying a location on the map, or capturing one for the first time, will grant battle points.
Defeating an enemy for the first time will grant battle points. The number of points that they can get equals to the number of points the enemy has received when transferring his/her city in the beginning.
- Results: The Alliance with the higher battle points wins the match. If both Alliances end up with the same points, the Alliance with higher Power wins by default.
There are 11 different locations to contest on the battlefield: Casterly Rock, Lannister Port, Targaryen Port, Lannister Stronghold, TargaryenStronghold, Lannister Outpost, Targaryen Outpost, Temple of the Mother and Tower of the Warrior, Targaryen Mine and Lannister Mine. Attacking or defending them for your Alliance!
1. Points by Locations
The very first capture or continuous occupation of these locations will grant the occupier battle points. Different locations have different functions and point rewards. Check out the table below.
2. Special Buildings
- Lannister/TargaryenStronghold: can be attacked 15 minutes after the battle begins. A Lannister/Targaryen reinforcement regiment (considered as NPC) will join the battle from this location every 3 minutes. This regiment will automatically attack the locations occupied by the enemy. Its size is based on the occupant’s highest rally size, and the troops are based on the occupant’s highest unlocked troop tier.
- Tower of the Mother: can be attacked when the battle begins. Occupying this location will grant a healing speed bonus of 100% to all allies.
- Tower of the Warrior: can be attacked when the battle begins. Occupying this location will grant all allies 20% Army Attack, Army Defense and Army Health bonuses.
- Targaryen and Lannister Mine: These 2 buildings don't give first capture points; they open at the last 15 minutes of the battle and they give a maximum of 14000 points each. Each alliance earns 70 points per occupant per minute.
Take some time to study these rules as they can be quite complicated. But once you figure out a plan tailored by these rules, you will be one more step closer to the ultimate crown throughout the whole land of Westeros!
All comments (1)
this was very helpful