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[NEWS] Album Collection: Relive the GOT Storyline and Increase Power!(Updated on 2022/11/23)

[NEWS] Album Collection: Relive the GOT Storyline and Increase Power!(Updated on 2022/11/23)

News & Announcements
Article Publish : 09/11/2020 16:23
Edited by handoftheking at 11/23/2022 14:22

Is there any other way to relive the storyline of Game of Thrones without watching the whole series or challenging the Weirwood Tree Trials in Game of Thrones Winter is Coming? 

The Album Collection Feature, which helps evoke memories of the eight seasons while you complete tasks to collect photos, unlock albums and gain buffs. Read on to learn more about Album Collection.

You can find the Album Collection Feature on the bottom right of you screen next to your mail page.

Relive the Storyline

From Death of Jon Arryn and Princess in Exile to an Empty Throne and Birth of Dragons the first album contains a lot of great moments from multiple seasons of our favorite show.Every album is made of 10 photos, and the 10 shards of each photo are scattered in different events in game. From alliance conquests to Fiery mines there are always ways to earn new fragments for your album. Some of the photos contain spoilers so be warned in case you haven't seen every episode of the series.

How to Unlock Photos and Albums

Each photo belongs to a specific album, and you must collect the required photo shards to unlock the photos and then to unlock the album. Each photo in the album has a specific passive buff included when you finish the entire photo.

How to Trade Photo Shards

You can trade photo shards with friends or alliance members by clicking on the empty shard slot. You can select up to 4 shards as additional options, and request 1 trade for 1 photo shard. Each trade quest will expire in 8 hours. Photo shards of different qualities cannot be traded. 


How to Gain Buffs

Unlocking a photo will grant you stats and power bonuses, and unlocking certain amounts of photos in an album will grant you extra bonus. Photos are divided into common photos and limited photos, and the latter grants better buffs than the former. 

Albums can be upgraded to receive more stats and improve power by using photo shards that you no longer need. You can only use photo shards that belong to an album to upgrade that album. Using 1 common photo shard grants 1 album EXP while 1 limited photo shard grants 2 album EXP.

Join us to collect photo shards, unlock albums, and relive the storyline of Game of Thrones!!!


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dark heartt
dark heartt
4 years ago

hello let me ask you if you have any information about the second album

4 years ago

Como hago para subir el nivel del album tengo las primeras dos fotos completas, pero no me deja subirlo me dice que las bonificaciones no estan activas

