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A.) Introduction
Hey Yo!
What's up dude and dudettes?
I hope you are having great weekend!
I'm so glad to have you back in my article, Press Officer Tea, This time we will talk about the Beginners Guide namely Ruins Explorations. What can be expected from this article? Then what are the contents of this spotlight? and How does this feature works?. This article is expected to provide an overview and getting closer with Ruins Explorations for Free Stuff especially if you are still new players and wondering if it is worth to do? Let's see together in more detail regarding how this feature works!
🏅B.) Ruins Exploration

Ruins Explorations is the first feature to appear on the Norheim map after the update in the Infinity Kingdom V.0.1 patch. This feature initially did not have levels, but they changed it to have three levels for exploring using scouters. Let's have a look further!
📚 1.) Basic Rules
1. Your scout will provide you with a clue to help you find the location of a ruin every 4 hours.
2. The clue will appear as a bubble on the map of your ruin.
3. You can have a maximum of 5 clues at once; once you reach that limit, the first clue will vanish.
4. The first clues discovered will be shaken on the exploration map as a reminder to explore them first.
5. Once all clues have been investigated, you can explore the world of Norheim continent on your own and search for more ruins.
6. After you've explored all of the ruins, your scout will look for deeper secrets about the ruins that you might not discover on your own.
📑2.) Ruins Exploration Stages

Stage 3 = Red Line
Stage 2 = Purple Line
Stage 1 = Ordinary Line from Game
1.) Ruins Exploration is classified into three stages, each for a different Resource Zone of the same level. Each Side Stele Shard will only appear on the map that corresponds to it.
2.) Each stage of Ruins Exploration now has three objectives. The rewards for each goal have been increased. When you complete all of the objectives in a stage, Ruins Exploration for the next level's Resource Zone becomes available.
3.) Rewards for collecting all Stele Shards will be increased, including extra resources and speedup items.
🖼️3.) Ruins Explorations

After we start the ruins exploration, the scout will automatically run and we only need to wait according to the time required as shown above. When the ruins exploration is complete, they will provide notifications regarding what objects they have found, these objects can include Gems, VIP points, speed ups, resources, action points (AP), stamina points (SP), philosophers stone or Builder Contracts to increase the time of builder in our castle.

📜4.) Ruins Explorations Rewards

📚C.) Conclusion 💠

Ruins Explorations is a feature that has been around since the game started, with a slight update for the zone levels. This feature is of course considered feasible to always run in exploring Ruins, this is because you only need to press the explore button and you can leave the game and you don't need to keep an eye on the ruins exploration, by coming back to the game after click explore and you will receive rewards randomly according to the ruins zone level. This feature of course worthy and you need to do it frequently for more rewards!
✨ Thank you for reading; maybe it was helpful and will assist you to learn more about The Ruins Exploration! ✨
📚D.) Reference 💠
Yoozoo Pte, Ltd. Infinity Kingdom. V. 2.4.5

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