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Alliance Conquest - Super League - Play offs - WTP vs NW1

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 11/29/2022 07:21

Here we are into the second week of Season 13 Alliance Conquest Play offs and this is the third round match between WTP and NW1.

Looking at the rankings WTP are ranked at position 6 and NW1 are ranked at number 14.  So on paper it should be a win for WTP.

Let us have a look at the top power players from each alliance before the match commences.

We can also check out the negative buff for this match. Today it is Clear Skies.

The timer is ticking down and off we go!!  The first four buildings open up and the race is on.

NW1 reached their Outpost first as did WTP, but WTP also managed to reach the Temple of the Mother and the Tower of the Warrior first as well.

Looking at the number of castles on the map for NW1 it really is going to be a hard match for them.  WTP has forty more castles playing.

But having said that NW1 is rallying for the Temple of the Mother.   Unfortunately no luck at the Temple for them and sakupapa holds on there for WTP.

WTP are also busy in the south of the map and have rallied and taken the enemy Outpost.

The Ports are open next.  Eight hundred first capture points available here for each Port.

Both alliances take one Port each, but each have the enemy Port.

Lord Crixo swaps out successfully with General43 at the enemy Port. WTP are also rallying for their own Port at the same time.

WTP takes back their own Port.  Just in time for the run to Casterly Rock, the bubble there is just about to drop.

SPARTA VI has secured Casterly Rock for WTP and the 1200 first capture points as well.

And it is a successful change over at Casterly Rock with CCCPC stepping in to take over from SPARTA VI.

NW1 have rallied and taken back their Outpost.

The Strongholds are open next, who will have the fastest boots this time?

It is WTP!! Their racers manage to get to both of the Strongholds first.

So from the nine buildings that are open WTP hold eight of them and are stacking 960 points per minute at the moment.  NW1 still has their Outpost but it is only giving them 100 points per minute.

NW1 are not giving up though and in the next phase of the match they rally at multiple locations on the map.  Starting at the Temple of the Mother, then trying for the enemy Port and lastly attempting to take the Tower of the Warrior.  All the rallies were unsuccessful.

They do not give up though and rally for their Stronghold and manage to secure it.

The majority of the action of the map until the Mines open up is now at the NW1 Outpost and Stronghold with both buildings changing hands several times.

WTP also has been clearing out the enemy hive.  The Mines are just about to open up and there is a swap out of holder at Casterly Rock with REDRUM taking over from CCCPC.

Both alliances take their own Mines, now it is down to them filling them, holding them and draining the points from them.

Unfortunately NW1 could not hold their Mine and Togo Chief took it for WTP.

WTP starts dropping out of the buildings.

There we have it, it is a win for WTP.

Let us have a look at some of the match statistics.
