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Nether Wars Ideas.

Feedback & Suggestions
Article Publish : 11/24/2022 18:56

As it stands now, Nether wars is quite the tedious event.

  • Long wait times because of not many people wanting to play nether wars.
  • Diamond rewards are quite far up the points tree which makes people want to play it even less when combined with the above.

So I was thinking...

  • Perhaps you could add a per match based diamond reward (10 diamonds per completed match, no matter if win or lose, but you must be active to obtain the diamonds and not just stand at spawn).
  • A few more point milestone rewards in the rewards tree wouldn't hurt either.

I think these would make Nether wars a much more active event as it gives players much more reason to play it. (ㆆᴗㆆ)

PS: I don't care about the suggestion event rewards. That's why I'm just posting it here.
