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👋🌿Hello all my friends who love Infinity Kingdom, in this article back again with Press Officer Tea for the Infinity Kingdom game. Where this game has recently presented a lot of exclusive accessories that can be equipped, and one of the accessories discussed in this article is Charles The Great's Exclusive Artifact called Grasps of Glory. If you are curious about this Charles the Great exclusive artifact, let's have a look together. This article is expected to be able to explain Charles' Exclusive Artifact as well as entertain your free time, so let's take a closer look! 🔎📑
Grasps of Glory
This exclusive artifact that recently appeared in Infinity Kingdom is available if you have entered the conquest server where this artifact can of course be found through Blessing Of Triss for now. This exclusive artifact can only be developed to increase red stars with this item itself, so it can be said that this artifact is very rare and difficult to obtain if you don't do an In-App Purchase and do events like Blessing of Triss.💰💸
How Does it Works?
Then if you are wondering how this exclusive can work? 🤔 so let's look at this picture, when the Terra Shield of Charles' skill is activated automatically the damage absorbed from critical damage will decrease. This is certainly very good for reducing critical damage given by Merlin, Wu, Himiko, and also Immortal who rely on direct damage in the form of other critical outputs 🙀
Look At This Empress Wu's Skill Critical Damage!
Woooow 🙀🙀🙀 The Imperial Fire dealt so massive damage! Imagine if it is hitting your damage burst Immortal it will be dead easily! 💀 That's why this artifact is meta for now as a critical damage controller so it doesn't hurt too much. 🌻
If you are not Charles User, How to Counter this Artifact?
💡Because he reduces critical damage therefore you can use damage that doesn't require critical like Alexander the Great and Hannibal Barca who use exclusive artifacts and use Cleave Skills! So you can do a counter attack with this Immortal or you can also use the true damage skill of Shadow Dragon Melanthios 🌆🌚🖤🦝or Fire Dragon! 🔥
💡In my opinion, Charles's new exclusive artifact, this is very good for counter attacks from Mage's critical damage or Physical damage so that their critical damage is lower than usual. So the decision to get it or not is your opinion! Happy playing and good luck in Blessing Triss and other events !! 💰☀️🌹
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